About Us
Sensei Jason has done Judo for his whole life and the sport has always been a passion of his. NUMA started in 2000 when Sensei Jason decided to roll out mats in his warehouse and began teaching Judo to his friends, for fun. When more and more people started coming, he decided to section off his warehouse and created a small dojo. The word began to spread, friends started bringing their children, and over time the club expanded and formally became known as Nova United Martial Arts (NUMA).
The club has moved a few times over the years and has re-invented itself, by we have always kept the same fun and welcoming atmosphere which we are known for.
In 2019, we moved to Bayers Lake, in our dedicated space which we love. Our club is equipped with all the necessary equipment for both Judo and Fitness Classes. Every week, we welcome members from the age of 2 to 'mature'. The skill levels range from beginner to competitive.
Our programs are very popular and fill up quickly, however we maintain an active waitlist and always welcome the opportunity to meet prospective new members. Reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to drop by for a visit. Since showing up can be the hardest part, we promise to make you feel comfortable the moment you walk into our club.
Visit us and you will see for yourself.
Our Team
Our team of instructors is made up of 3 Lead Instructors who regularly meet to discuss the overall programming of each class.
Classes will always be led by one of the Lead Instructors who will often be assisted by one or more Sensei (black belt) and possibly one or more assistants who are assisting and working towards their DA (Dojo Assistant).
All instructors on the mats have current criminal record checks and child abuse registry checks done.
For ease of reference, the Lead Instructor will always be the first black belt in the line up when doing the bow in/bow out. The ones next to the Lead Instructors will be the black belts and assistants helping for the class.